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Wüst's Sternkarte Tapp No. 1

A good looking dude, love the detail and the clothes.







My Ref:

Vereinigte Stralsunder Spielkartenfabriken A.-G. (VASS)



1923 - 1929  (tax stamp)

36 blatt 

German /French?


​The deck has K, D and B and numbered cards 6-10. Suits are Hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades. 

Sternkarte means Star Chart or Celestial Chart. The star was the trademark of the manufacturer Conrad Ludwig Wüst, Frankfurt  (1811- 1927). C.L. Wüst was taken over by the forerunner of the Vereinigte Stralsunder Speilkartenfabriken (1931 to 1945).

For more detail see

(it is in German though).

In 1831 the company started trading under the name " Vereinigte Altenburger und Stralsunder Spielkarten-Fabriken, A.G., Altenburg" and had moved to Altenburg, in the state of Thuringia. This seems to indicate that maybe these cards were produced after 1831 despite the tax stamp. 

©   Virginia Russell  

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License 

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