my playing card collection
German Suits
Central Europe
The cards of Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Northern Croatia, Slovakia, Western Romania, Transcarpathia in Ukraine, Vojvodina in Serbia and South Tyrol use the same suits (Hearts, Bells, Leaves and Acorns) as the cards of Southern and Eastern Germany. They usually have a deck of 32 or 36 cards. The numbering includes VII, VIII, IX, X, Under, Over, King and Ace. Some variations with 36 cards have also the number VI. The VI in bells also has the function like a joker in some games and it is named Welli or Weli.
German suits have decks with Hearts, Bells, Leaves, and Acorns. Hearts (Herzen), Bells (Schellen), Leaves (Laub) and Acorns (Eicheln).The German suits are preferred by Eastern and Southern Germans
In the game Skat, East German players used the German deck, while players in Western Germany mainly used the French deck.
After the reunification a compromise deck was created for official Skat tournaments, with French symbols but German colors (green Spades and yellow Diamonds).
Acorns, Leaves, Hearts and Bells
from a German Alltenburger Skat deck.