my playing card collection
Kabufuda has 4 sets of 10 cards. Three of the four sets are identical and the fouth set has a different number 1 and number 4. On the right are 1 to 5 of the 'special' set.
1 2 3 4 5

The standard set of Kabufuda cards 1 to 10, there are three identical sets in a pack of cards.
1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10
Purchased 2013
40 cards 53 x 32mm
Kabufuda are Japanese playing cards used for gambling games such as Oicho-Kabu and Tehonbiki. Kabufuda cards, like the related Hanafuda ("flower cards") are smaller and stiffer than Western playing cards.
The cards are derived from those that the Portuguese sailors brought with them to Japan in the 16th century. In the case of the Kabufuda , the suits have been changed to 4 sets of the batons only, and the cards are used for games similar to baccarat. Many regional designs were common in the past, but now mostly Hanafuda and Kabufuda are used.