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Transformation: T.S. Chapman









My ref:

Original: Reynolds and Sons

Reprint:  Provincial Council of Alava


T. S. Chapman

1878 (2004 reprint)

52 cards




This design was originally manufactured by Reynolds & Sons for E. Couchman & Co., in 1878. Joseph Reynolds of 27-30 Vere Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, had been producing playing cards in the traditional method since about 1809. As well as standard playing cards the company also produced sets of transformation playing cards such as these. The artist was T. S .Chapman but little seems to be known about him or her. Certainly someone with a sense of humour. The comic scenes encapsulate Queen Victoria's England perfectly.

This is a 2004 reproduction by Arabako Foru Alundia/Disputation Foral de Alava (the provincial Council of Alava) of an original deck from the "Fournier" Cards Museum in Alava, Spain.  The corners are rounded rather than square as was the original but the backs appear to be the same, a plain mid-yellow colour with no pattern. The court cards are double headed Kings, Queens and Jacks. Each card has a unique face and design but are standard pattern.

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The Ace of Spades

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©   Virginia Russell  

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