my playing card collection
Cadiz Pattern ...
Dos Toros from Juan Roura, Barcelona
Exported to North Africa
The occupation of enclaves in North Africa was one of the objectives most actively pursued by the Catholic monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella after the conquest of Granada. Communications were maintained via the Strait of Gibraltar. This expansionist policy was curtailed shortly afterwards when Spain turned its efforts to the recently discovered West Indies.
It might be logical to assume that North Africa has always been supplied with Spanish suited cards, and that these came primarily from France or Spain.
From the Spanish Colonies...
From Morocco published by A. Camoin & Cie, Casablanca- Marseilles around 1962.

From Uruguay "Paris Style"
From Mexico
The cards found in Morocco today are faithful replicas of the old “Spanish National Pattern,” a style of playing cards which emanated from Barcelona during the 17th century and was also made in Marseille. In most other countries where Spanish-suited cards are used the more Modern Catalan pattern is usually found.
During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries playing cards were imported into Morocco and Algeria from Spain and France by manufacturers such as Camoin, La Ducale, B.P. Grimaud and others. These were of the Spanish National pattern, based on the Félix Solesio designs produced by the Real Fábrica de Madrid at Macharaviaya (1776-1815).The Camoin firm closed down in 1971.
Morocco is now one of the last remaining countries to use the old Spanish National pattern. What is noticeable about all these imitations is that, with one or two exceptions, they are all virtually identical, showing a strong adherence to tradition. Apart from a gradual simplification in the outlines, the main change has been the disappearance of the tethered goat in the background of the Sota (Jack) of coins in some of the lowest grade examples. With the modernisation of Morocco, perhaps traditions will loosen further…