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Czech historical : Mikolas Ales design 1893

Vlasta: warrior maiden




LEAVES: The theme is Slavic Myth and covers around the 7th century.




HEARTS: The theme is the Premysl Dynasty in the 13 th century.




ACORNS: The theme is The Hussite Era in the 14th and 15 century.




DRUMS/BELLS: The theme is the Battle of White Mountain in 1620. 

The four suits each illustrate a different period in Czech history.



Mikolas Ales

1946 (First Edition 1893)

32 cards 








Designed by Mikoláš Aleš (November 18, 1852 - July 10, 1913)  in the Art Nouvueau style, this deck exemlifies the nationalistic feeling of the times. 

This edition is the 1946 Piatnik edition, published by J. Podpera. The suits are German, hearts, acorns and leaves, except that the bells look more like drums. So far I can't find any information on whether they are drums and why. More information on the various editions of this design is at the end of the post.


The coat of arms of the three historical regions—the Czech lands—which make up the Czech republic.

Playing cards depicting Slavic Myth designed by Mikolas Ales

RIP MOUNTAIN:  Říp was the place where the first Slavs, led by Praotec Čech, settled. 

SAMO: Samo founded the first recorded political union of Slavic tribes, known as Samo's empire stretching from Silesia to present-day Slovenia, ruling from 623 until his death in 658.

VLASTA:  Following the death of Libuše, Vlasta led a band of Amazons in "THE MAIDENS' WAR" against the male forces of Libuše's widower, Přemysl, and was defeated. 

SLAVIC WARRIOR:  With sheild and hammer.

Playing cards depicting Slavic Myth designed by Mikolas Ales

LIBUSE:  According to legend Queen Libuše daughter of Krok, prophesied the glory of Prague. "I see a great city" (Město Vidím Veliké).

BIVOJ:  Legendary hero Bivoj caught the Kavčí Mount wild boar by the ears, put it on his back and carried it to the castle Libušín . Thus he gained the hand of Princess Kazi, another daughter of Krok,  in marriage

Playing cards depicting the Premysl dynasty designed by Mikolas Ales

Czech lion, symbol of Czech statehood.

PREMYSL OTAKER II: ruled from 1253 until 1278. Under his rule the country achieved much. Called the Iron and Golden King, he was killed on August 26, 1278 at the Battle of the Marchfield  (Morava Field).


legendary leader at the victory over the Tatars in the 1241 battle of Olomouc in Moravia.

XAVIS OF FALKENSTEJN: was a Czech nobleman. He was executed after the death of his wife Queen Kunigunda, the former wife of Premysl Otaker II,  by her son King WENCESLAUS II  in 1290.

Playing cards depicting the Premysl dynasty designed by Mikolas Ales

Silesian Eagle, coat of arms.

Symbol of the  Old Town,  the 30 years war in 1648 and the battle at Charles Bridge, later became the emblem of the city of Prague.

Moravian Eagle, coat of arms.

The rider in armor to shield the red rose of the Rosenbergs.

Playing cards depicting the Hussite era designed by Mikolas Ales

KARLSTEJN CASTLE: reputedly designed by Matthias of Arras, in the years 1348-1367. It was the representative seat of kings and crown jewel of the Treasury. See photo of castle here

WENCESLAUS IV:   Vaclav IV born February 26, 1361, died August 14, 1419. He was the eldest son of Charles IV, Czech and Roman king, who was regarded as a folk hero.

JAN ZIZKA:  of Trocnov and the Chalice, born about 1370, died of the plague Oct. 11, 1424. A Czech Hussite army warlord,  strategist and tactician, Žižka is considered to be among the greatest military leaders and innovators of all time.

PROKOP HOLY-THE GREAT: was one of the most prominent Hussite generals of the Hussite Wars. He fell in the battle of Lipan, 30th May 1434

Playing cards depicting the Hussite era designed by Mikolas Ales

The symbolism of the Hussite arms, mace, flail and Hussite Kropáč (flail).

Jester, probably symbolizing Jana Palečka, jester for George of Podebrady. Under his left hand in a chain is a kingfisher, a symbol of Vaclav IV.

JAN HUS:  Czech thinker, preacher and protestant reformer, born circa 1369 in Husinec, was burned at the stake in Constance on July 6, 1415.

Farmer with a flail on guard in front of the Hussite camp .

Playing cards depicting the Battle of White Mountain in 1620. designed by Mikolas Ales


The Star Summer Pavilion at Hvězda and the Karlštejn raven symbolize the nearby tragic battle on 8 November 1620, which was followed by 300 years of bondage of the Czech nation.

JIRI Z PODEBRAD: George of Podebrady,  (23 April 1420 - 22 March 1471), was king of Bohemia from 1458 and leader of the Hussites. He was one of the most prominent politicians of contemporary Europe, and unsuccessfully proposed a European Union or Treaty. 

JAN ROHAC: from Dube, a Bohemian nobleman and Hussite commander. After the seige of his castle Sion,  Rohac was executed on Gallows Hill in Prague on September 9, 1437.

VACLAV BUDOVEC OF BUDOVA :(August 28, 1551 - June 21, 1621) Czech politician and nobleman. After the Battle of White Mountain he was executed at the Old Town Square.

Playing cards depicting the Battle of White Mountain in 1620. designed by Mikolas Ales

Gallows with the Ravens, symbolizes the cruel period of exile after the Battle of White Mountain. In the background is an avenue of poplars.

JAN AMOS KOMENSKy: (28 March 1592 and 15 November 1670) was a Moravian teacher philosopher and writer. Considered the founder of modern education, he favoured a universal, equal opportunity education for all, including women. 

KAREL HAVLICEK BOROVSKY, born October 31, 1821, died July 29, 1856. writer, poet, critic, politician, journalist, and publisher who fought against stiff Austrian absolutism.

Silhouette of the towers of Tyn Cathedral with a rainbow behind them, symbolizing the execution of 27 Czech noblemen on the Old Town Square on June 21, 1621

Art Nouveau playing card back design, designed by Mikolas Ales 1893

First edition by "Jan Ritter" (Praha), 1893


Second edition by "Jan Ritter" (Karlin), 1897


Third edition by "F. Piatnik & Synove S.A., Prague", 1946, Czech department of "Piatnik", publisher is Podpera & Co  for benefit of the UMS organization


Fourth edition by "Kolin" (Czechia), 1988deck "M.Ales 1893"

©   Virginia Russell  

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